Monday, April 18, 2011

‘This is the one and only chance’

‘This is the one and only chance’
Kamrin is 11 years old, and he's had a pretty rough go of it since he was just  5. That's when the kidney problems started. He's currently waiting for a kidney donor to be identified. He needs a transplant. But he wasn't about to let that stop him from taking over Safeco Field.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Soccer showdown

We meet some real characters with the Little Heroes, and this week we've got a couple of doozies for you!! This week we went to the YMCA in Marysville for some indoor soccer, and chaos ensued. It's this week's episode of, "The Little Heroes."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fly through the air, walk the high wire

Fly through the air, walk the high wire
If you had a chance to head down to the Shrine Circus at the Showare Center in Kent, then you saw an amazing girl do some amazing things. If you didn't see it, you're in luck, because it's this week's episode of, "The Little Heroes."

Overcome fear on the ramp

Overcome fear on the ramp
We all remember being afraid to try something when we were kids, scared of failing, of getting hurt, of getting embarrassed. Facing those fears is part of growing up, and it's a part of this week's episode of, The Little Heroes. The little heroes hit the ramp for skateboarding camp... Including one little shredder's triumph over a case of shaky nerves.

Rockstars make it big

Rockstars make it big
This week we have a bunch of kids living their own little rock 'n roll fantasy. They can't be in a high school musical because they're still in grade school, and they'd rock around the clock except that their bed time is 8:30. Time for a little "kid rock" on this week's episode of, "The Little Heroes."

It's mutton bustin' time!

It's mutton bustin' time!
Every September, the Puyallup Fair hosts one of the truly wonderful slices of Americana that the great Northwest has to offer. Kids 6 and under push fear aside, climb aboard a scary beast, and ride! It's this week's episode of, "The Little Heroes."

Rougher 'n tougher than most

Anyone who's a parent knows that kids are this amazing combination of vulnerability, and strength. This week we went down to Olympia to meet a couple of boys who are about as tough, and resiliant as they come. You'll be inspired by this week's episode of, "The Little Heroes."